Invasion【EN】Game text and language survey

* In the last 3 months, what game did you play the most besides Invasion? (Select one)
* Q1:Overall, how well do you think the game performs in terms of text/language? [Single Choice]
* Q2:Please evaluate the text/language of the building instructions. [Single Choice]
1 point-terrible, 3 points-up to standard, 5 points- perfect
* Q3Are there any issues or optimizations needed with the text/language of the building instructions? [Multiple Choice] 【最少选择1项】
* Q4:Please evaluate the text/language of the tutorial/guide. [Single Choice]
1 point-terrible, 5 points- perfect.
* Q5:Are there any issues or optimizations needed with the text/language of the tutorial and guide? [Multiple Choice] 【最少选择1项】
* Q5:Are there any issues or optimizations needed with the text/language of the tutorial and guide? [Multiple Choice] 【最少选择1项】
* Q6:Please evaluate the text/language of the skill descriptions. [Single Choice] 1 point-terrible, 5 points- perfect.
* Q7:Are there any issues or optimizations needed with the text/language of the skill descriptions? [Multiple Choice] 【最少选择1项】
* Q8:Please evaluate the text/language of the hero descriptions. [Single Choice] 1 point-terrible, 5 points- perfect.
* Q9:Are there any issues or optimizations needed with the text/language of the hero descriptions? [Multiple Choice] 【最少选择1项】
* Q:10Please evaluate the text/language of the event descriptions. [Single Choice]
1 point-terrible, 5 points- perfect.
* Q11:Are there any issues or optimizations needed with the text/language of the event descriptions? [Multiple Choice] 【最少选择1项】
* Q12:Do you know that the chat system/email/guild uses AI machine translation? [Single Choice]
* Q13:What do you think about the quality of the chat system translation? [Single Choice]
Q14:Do you have any other suggestions about the text/language of the game?
This question is not mandatory, but we want your feedback!